One of the podcasts i listened to today was with Jon Aizen of Dapper.net. Dapper provides a no-fee tool for making almost any structured web site data accessible via a REST API. On my last review of Dapper when it was first launched, i mentioned that it needed some UI work and it looks like it certainly has advanced in the last year and a half so it is probably time for me to dig in again. Starting with this short 'how to' video it is obvious that the UI is more intuitive and i spent about 30minutes playing around this evening and was able to create a dap that i might be able to use for a project i am doing (more on that in another post!).
During the podcast Aizen goes through some of the uses of Dapper and provides a very good overview of what the service is all about for both users and publishers. However that wasn't really news to me- the New DapperAds Semantic Ad Technology however was. At about minute 24 of the podcast Aizen provides an example of the power of Semantic Ad Technology with an example of a online grocer, using Dapper to dynamically generate Ads on recipe sites. So when someone for example is looking at a pumpkin pie recipe on a recipe site, the online grocer can by having a dap associated with the ingredients dynamically create a shopping cart of all the ingredients needed for that recipe.
Although not as complicated as the online grocer example Aizen gives, this Screencast of a simple Dynamic Ad creation in which in a couple of click a gaming website can quickly embed Amazon chicklets based on the game reviews that each page does provides a good overview of what they are looking to offer.
Glad you're enjoying the podcast. Let me know if you have any ideas on what else we might cover.
Ted- thanks for stopping by. I will certainly let you know if i get any additional ideas that you might be interested in- but perhaps a followup to oauth around
Dataportability.org might be interesting.
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