Saturday, June 16, 2007

tweetVOLUME - simple charting comparison of Twitter words

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Just came across this site tweetVOLUME that allows you to quickly create a comparison chart graph of word/phrase occurrences in Twitter. The sample i have included in this post present a graph of the amount of times some major newspapers are mentioned in Twitter. I am guessing that 'new york times' is popular because there are various new york times twitters, which although i believe were not created by NYTs are a great branding exercised.

Back in April, i blogged about another 'monitoring' service Twitterment that i thought was interesting and as services like Twitter among other continue to get traction companies/individuals are going to definitely be more interested in tracking what people are twittering about.

tweetVOLUME is quite simple and lacks some key features for real usability; like for example being able to drill down on the charts to see the underlying data, being able to join multiple terms (e.g. Wall Street Journal or WSJ) and it doesn't tell me what the time frames of the data is that i am looking at (last day, last month, forever?)- but overall a fun little tool.

Aside from just being fun, i do like the fact that it is a destination site that doesn't require logins or plugins and you can easily share your chart with a simple e-mail this chart feature which send out a contextual URL link.

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