Sunday, February 18, 2007

Enterprise 2.0- What does it mean to me (Part 2)

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While i am looking for what you personally think Enterprise 2.0 means, i will be posting about what it means to me as i see Web 2.0 technologies, tools and user behaviors being used in the enterprise particularly in my own company. In Part 1, i wrote of a recent personal experience of information delivery using Flickr to help a new group of colleagues 'identify' one another. In Part 2, i would like share with you an example of our use of public blogs to take a conversation that we have been having internally to the public 'cloud'- where other subject matter experts colleagues, customers, competitors and prospects may be.

We have a couple of bloggers at my company- some more active then others and i am always encouraging taking the conversations to the blogsphere- many times ending my e-mails with a 'BLOGITUp!' sign-off instead of the regular 'thanks'. I encouraged one of my colleagues, Keith DeWeese last week to do just that.

Keith is one of our taxonomy services consultants who has a strong background in taxonomy development and management and years of experience in taxonomy implementation. I have a Masters of Library and Information Science and many years of experience with enterprise taxonomies due to my work at Factiva/Dow Jones so i can certainly discuss the value of a taxonomy in the enterprise-but Keith is the one i would call upon when i need an expert in the field. Last week a couple of us were participating in an internal conversation about how dissatisfied folks are with SharePoint's search engine particularly when it comes to concept searching- Keith took it into the 'cloud' via this blog post' opening the conversation to others. Take a look and if it is not your domain perhaps you can send it off to those in your organization that are dealing with these issues- we would love to hear from them!

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